Santiago Panama

Southwestern Panama
Province of Veraguas

Santiago Panama

Santiago is the provincial capital of Veraguas and one of Panama’s largest cities. It sits along the Inter-American Highway midway between David and Panama City, and acts as an important transportation hub for central Panama. Because of its central location and excellent facilities, Santiago serves as a good stopover while en route to other destinations.

Veraguas is the only province in the world with coasts on both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. The natural richness of its territory is due to the variety of landscapes, flora and fauna. Tourists will be impressed by the beautiful beaches famous for surf practice, clear lakes and rivers, high waterfalls and tropical forests that hug the feet of tall mountains.

Things to do in Santiago Panama

San Francisco de la Montana Church
North of the city of Santiago, in the town of Francisco is the Church of San Francisco. This beautiful baroque structure has been beautifully maintained since 1630. Follow the sign outside of the church to visit the beautiful waterfall nearby. After visiting the waterfall, it is recommended to visit the local bakery to munch on some delicious homemade goods!

Veraguas Regional Museum
The Veraguas Regional Museum exhibits over two thousand years of the region’s history. Founded by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, they have contributed many different exhibits and exhibitions to the museum.  It features a room for archaeological, ecological, stonework and lithic as well as pre-Columbian ceramics.

Santiago Tours to other destinations nearby

Reserva La Yeguada
Less than 2 hours away from Santiago you will find this beautiful reserve consumed almost solely by pine trees. The grounds are protected by the Panamanian government so the place is clean and nicely maintained year-round. It is far out in the wilderness, a perfect peaceful area for camping. There is a lake in the center of the park.

Santa Catalina Beach
Santa Catalina is a world-renowned surfing destination for pros and beginners alike. Located on the Pacific coast of the Veraguas province this village is still minimally developed, with just a handful of restaurants and accommodations, as well as a grocery store and surfing schools.

Location and Map

Santiago de Veraguas is the capital of the province of Veraguas, in the Republic of Panama, and the district or municipality of the same name. Located in the countryside next to the Pan American Highway, it is a 4 hour and 20 minute drive from Panama City.

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